Here is an example of a bucket list:
On the left side you see which games are currently in your bucket list, in the middle are the games you are currently playing and on the right side you will see a ranking of all the games you played, if you ranked them. You will also see a list of games you played but didn't rank yet. In the list on the left there are two buttons for every game, for moving a game into the 'currently playing' lane - or removing it permanently from your bucket list.
The action icons in the middle are:
How can I add games to my bucket list?
The "Quick Add" Button from a search result adds the game always on top of your bucket list, as unplayed game. If you are adding a game via the game detail page using the buttons, it depends upon your selection where the game will end up (bucket list, currently playing or just in the yearly report). Important: As soon as a game has a finished at date, it will be visible in the History. If it has just a started at date, it will be put into currently playing.
Sort the Bucket List
We added a separate page, where you can sort your bucket list via "Drag & Drop". The link on top " Sort Bucket List" will get you there.
Overview over the past years
Again on top of the page you will see the link " Overview over the past years" which brings you to a simple report about what you played in previous years.
At the moment we just offer stats regarding the distribution of platforms in your bucket list and across all games you are playing or played. You can see that on the top right corner of the page.
Overview of all entries
With that link you will get to the classic overview of all games no matter if they are still in 'todo, currently being played or done'. You can manually edit all entries, but be aware that this of course has an impact of where the games are put.
Changes: Only the interaction between bucket list and play list is reflected on the fly. For all other changes (like rating a game etc.), you will have to refresh the page to see the change.
Bucket List Filter: Using the dropdown next to the 'Bucket List' header, you can filter it by platform.