
Names/Titles Of Games
  • The spelling should be mainly the same as from the cover.
  • Exception are words written with capital letters only. These should be replaced with the standard spelling.
  • The titel must match the region (e.g.: DE-Version: „Der Herr der Ringe“, UK-Version: „Lord of the Rings“).
  • No changes to the definite article (Correct: „The Terminator“. Wrong: „Terminator, The“).
  • No changes to titels with a prefixed company (e.g.: „Disney's The Lion King“).
  • Additions to the titel (e.g.: subtitles) should be separated with a colon (e.g.: „Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare“, „Halo 2: Multiplayer-Card-Pack“)
  • Subtitles defining the version of a game (mostly limited or budget versions) has to be put in the field „Edition“ (e.g.: Gran Turismo 6 - Anniversary Edition).
  • Numbers in titles should be written like on the cover (e.g.: „Dead or Alive 4“, „Soul Calibur IV“)

Versions (Limited/Budget Editions/Digital Variants)

If there is already a version of the 'game to be added' in our database, the new game has to be added via "Add Missing Version". You will find this button on the detail page of the already exising game. We separate games into these types:

  • Standard Version
  • Budget Version (Platinum, Classics, Essentials, Player's Choice, etc.)
  • Limited Edition (Collector's Edition, Special Edition, etc.)
  • Whitelabel
  • Promotional
  • Digital
  • Unofficial (only available for Consoleprofiler staff)
  • The version/edition has to be written in the field "Edition" - for example: Platinum, Collector's Edition,...

Illegal created or distributed versions of games (even if they some how are purchased legally) are not part of our database and will be removed. You can still 'track' these games as 'Items' in your collection.

Private copies/hacks/239847 Games In 1 Module
...have no place here and will be deleted.

Demo versions of games are not tracked in our database and will be removed if added by a user. You can still 'track' these games as 'Items' in your collection.

Exception to that rule are games which are so called demos but contain nearly the same content as the original game (e.g.: „Ridge Racer Hi-Spec Demo“)

Digital/Download-Versions (Playstation Network, Xbox Live, Steam, GOG,...)
Digital copies of games (e.g: from Steam, Playstation Network, Xbox Live, GOG,...) can be added to the platform as type Digital.

Addons, DLCs
Add-Ons or DLCs can be added to the database by checking the flag Addon/DLC. You can only add an Add-On or DLC if the base game is already available in the database. Add-Ons/DLCs are added to the base game via its the detail page.

Clones Of Consoles
Mostly these 'Clones' of existing consoles are no legal copies, thus we decided to not include them in our database. If we find such an entry, it will be deleted. You can still 'track' these clones as 'Items' in your collection.

Toys To Life (Amiibos, Starlink,...)
Please do not add these to the database yourself. They are tracked as Collectibles and maintained only from the Consoleprofiler staff. If you miss a collectible, please contact us via Discord.

  • If possible, cover-scans should be made by the user her/himself.
  • If that is not possible, please verify that you do not use a cover shot property of someone else or containing any water print.
  • If you use a third party cover shot, make sure non profit usage is allowed.
  • Cover shots should
    • have a high resolution
    • not be too small
    • not be blured
    • not be inclined
  • The cover shot has to match the region and platform.
  • Self-made cover shots will be removed.
For digital/download games you should use the image provided by the respective store - it should not be a cover shot from any retail version. If the digital version is too old to find any packshot with a good resolution, inofficial packshots with a decent resolution can be used instead, but no retail packaging.

In case the game/hardware is already available in another region, please do not add the entry via "Add Game/Add Hardware". You can add missing regions via "Add Missing Region" for games/hardware on the detail page of the entry.

Developer & Publisher
Mostly these can be found on the package of the game, if not, please visit GameFAQs or Mobygames for more information. Please avoid adding legal forms to company names.

Rule violations
Once won't matter ;) . Nevertheless, if this happens more often, we might remove 'writing rights' from your account. You will still be able to manage your collection, but no changes can be done to the database.

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